We hire only certified trainers to insure you get the care, attention and workout you deserve. Our trainers have spent many hours in training, observing, teaching, physical reviews & exams in order to achieve the highest level of certification and qualification. To keep these certifications and qualifications current all trainers must be willing to learn and take courses to better their knowledge. This allows them to stay current in the ever growing and changing health and fitness industry.
Focused on you & your needs
We believe that total wellness can only be achieved if your needs are met. We offer services that address all of you, from head to toe. A one on one trainer guides you through your workouts offering tips and feedback to help you get the best results from your efforts. In addition, taking advantage of personal training can help keep your workouts updated, fresh, and interesting. Individual sessions are available for those who have specific questions or goals; packages are available for those who are working toward longer-term fitness goals. Call for more information and pricing.
For more information, please contact our Fitness Manager Nick Crusco - ncrusco35@gmail.com
Meet Our Trainers!

Nick Crusco NSCA-CPT - Fitness Manager
Nick graduated from Wakefield Memorial High School. There he played football, baseball, and track. Nick attended Springfield College where he earned a 4-year Bachelor of Science degree in Applied Exercise Science with a concentration in personal training. He is a certified personal trainer through the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA). He also is a certified group fitness instructor through the American council of exercise (ACE).
He has interned at MG Fitness in Wakefield, Ma, the strength in conditioning room at Springfield College, and with Baystate Children’s Hospital, M.I.G.H.T.Y. Program in Springfield, MA. He has experience teaching one on one personal training and group exercise classes in the commercial gym setting, as well as at senior centers and community centers around the Boston area. Nick strives to educate and motivate all individuals that work with him.
- Kettlebell Concepts Level 1
- TRX Level 1
- TRX Level 2 Group
- Core Training Specialist
- Senior Training Specialist

Mike Proctor C.F.T. – Head Personal Trainer
Mike graduated from Malden Catholic High School. He then attended Mount Ida College where he earned a 4-year Bachelor’s degree in Sports Management. He is a certified personal trainer through the ISSA. He is a competitive powerlifter with USA Powerlifting. He competed in the Raw Nationals in 2015. In addition, he is a competitive strongman. He also competed in the United States Strongman Nationals in 2018. His focus through teaching and instructing is strength and conditioning.
Other Qualifications/Certifications: